Be Who You are Meant to Be. Do What You are Meant to Do.
Be Who You are Meant to Be. Do What You are Meant to Do.
Signed in as:
Mission Statement:
The Mission of STEADFAST is to help others go from lost to found, remove mental roadblocks, and get them to their destination within 90 days.
"As a mental fitness coach, I guide individuals to cultivate deep and lasting contentment grounded in self-trust. Through helping to nurture mind, body, and spirit, I empower others. In turn, they gain clarity, build resilience, and achieve results with inspired steadfast commitment in transforming their problems into solutions."
Co- Active Training Institute: I'm trained as a Co-Active Coach
This Life- Coaching Institute is well loved and highly regarded internationally. We co-active coaches can be found in all parts of the world.
Here's an excerpt from the Co-Active ABOUT page:
"We are the largest in-person coach training and leadership training organization in the world and home to the ground-breaking programs that teach our Co-Active Model and Co-Active Leadership Model.
The impact of our work starts with the individual. Whether that person is approaching training from the context of an organization, or a community, or is self-inspired, the leadership journey starts within. Our purpose is to help people become more aware of their impact in the world, so they experience life in responsible relationship to it. Amazing things happen when we have the vision and courage to take a stand for human potentiial."
Positive Intelligence: I'm trained as a Positive Intelligence Coach
A "positive intelligence coach" is a professional who helps individuals develop their mental fitness by using the Positive Intelligence (PQ) framework, which focuses on identifying and overcoming negative inner voices ("saboteurs") to strengthen positive mental muscles ("sage") and ultimately improve their overall well-being and performance through targeted exercises and practices; essentially acting like a personal trainer for the mind.
ekcoSYSTEMS: Founder, Eric Kohner
I also work with a Senior Faculty Member at CTI and in partnership as an Assistant Coach with:
"Leadership Coaching For Managers"
"Whole Mind Leadership Program"
at the Global Tech Company:
My training also comes from life...
My background is in Theater, graduating from Emerson College in Boston with a BFA. I continued my education by working in the Film Industry in Los Angeles for 10 years, at all levels and in various capacities. My grand finale in the film industry came as producer of Independent Films. Yes, it was FUN!
I originally studied theater because I loved to study people, to learn new stories, and of course I loved to express myself through the art of acting. I have always been fascinated with the adventures a great play can bring. Always mesmerized by it's ability to take you out of your seat to a magical place and time far away. I love it.
But beyond this at the core of my being, there is one thing throughout my life that has stayed consistent... I love people. I always have and always will. Young to old and everything in between. AND I really love supporting people to succeed in getting what they truly want. This is my journey in offering professional support to people outside my sacred circle and becoming a Life Consultant. The perimeters of my sacred circle are expanding.
Thank you for joining me!
"CTI offers a gold standard in coach training."
CTI (Co-Active Training Institute)
"According to Dr. Carol Kauffman, founder and director of the Institute of Coaching and faculty of Harvard Medical School for over 25 years,
“Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) offers a gold standard of coach training, and the Co-Active model behind it is remarkably congruent with a vast body of research in positive psychology and coaching.”
“It’s exciting to see how the entire field can be uplifted by connecting science and theory with the spirit and practice of coaching,” Dr. Kauffman says. “In the future, results will continue to show how science can be mapped to CTI’s Co-Active model and their four cornerstones of coaching."
Non-directive, without judgement and evaluation, minimal use of interpretations and explanations, (only when intuition of the coach comes into play and when permission is given from the client). Under these conditions it's possible for radical transformation to open up the doors of creativity. Where you once felt stuck and boxed in, now becomes a threshold to a whole new paradigm.
After several years of intuitively guiding friends and family towards their "true north", I came to a realization... yes, the proverbial light bulb.
While I witnessed my loved ones adjusting to their own internal compass, naturally, like people often do, I stood by their side, steadfast in my commitment towards supporting them. A manifestation of my love. I noticed they were able to reach higher and deeper in the area of personal growth when they knew that they were not alone. They gained courage. Someone had seen them, listened to them, and acknowledged their deepest wishes.
It was through this process that I experienced unexpected and exhilarating transformations with those closest to me. It wasn't until most recently that something made me take pause and reflect on my part in contributing to the "good news".
I started to take note of the feedback and discovered a pattern. At the same time I was putting a question out into the Universe. I genuinely asked, from the deepest place in my heart, "How do I best serve in this world?" I opened myself up to really listen. I was honing in to something out there and something within, tuning in to my true north.
The feedback generally went something like this, 'you've helped me so much, you have helped me understand things differently than I had before, you know this is something you could pursue professionally".
What a discovery! Although it had been right in front of me the whole time, so obvious, I didn't recognize it. I don't think it was a version of me I recognized, so I overlooked it. And when I checked inside to see if this resonated truthfully, my own celestial-like bells that go off when I am super happy, were ringing off the hook!
I'm assuming many folks have shared this kind of experience. It's wonderful. And at the same time not to forget all the work that led up to this moment. It's part of the mosaic of our lives, the very elements of our being. How beautiful and wonderful all those lackluster-like moments appeared to me now, like polished stepping stones across the river of my soul's journey.
To cherish the "dullness" of life adds to the richness of life, which then multiplies the contentment we inevitably experience once we embrace all that is... this is balance. What a surprise- a hidden treasure!
As part of my celebration, my inclination was to invite others to the party. I wanted my friends and family to experience this amazing view. It was thrilling! To have so many interests and to narrow it down like this felt like finding a single rare flower meant just for me, in a field of rare flowers. I didn't see it at first, but once I allowed myself to really see it... wow!
As the multi-faceted flower petals of my internal realization unfurled, I realized, without a doubt- that supporting people was something that I loved to do. The connection was finally made and it felt electrifying. I'm here for you to help you unlock the gridlock of your mind, so that you can reach your destination.
It's a joy to be offering this kind of light to the world. To honor that source of light within, through service, fills me with nothing but love and gratitude. It moves me. I thank those little sweet sparks of cognition, my lucky stars.
-- Jill Medina Elizalde
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